Our Constitution

Article I: Name

  • I.1 The name of this organization shall be the International Society for Tryptophan Research, hereafter referred to as ISTRY.

Article II: Purpose  

  • II.1 The purpose of ISTRY is to advance knowledge on the biochemistry, nutrition, pathology, physiology, food science, regulation of tryptophan metabolism, and chemistry of tryptophan, and to bring together those scholars interested in these objectives through a common society.

Article III: Membership and Dues

  • III.1 The membership of ISTRY shall consist of the following categories:
    1. Ordinary Members
    2. Associate Members
    3. Honorary Members
    4. Emeritus Members
    5. Sustaining (Industrial or Corporate) Members
  • III.2 Ordinary Members: Scientists having active interests in fields related to tryptophan and who have published in refereed journals shall be eligible to become Ordinary Members.  
  • III.3 Associate Members: Students, post-doctoral trainees and others interested in tryptophan-related studies and who are not more than 4 years past the doctorate shall be eligible for Associate Membership.  
  • III.4 Honorary Members: Scientists who have made outstanding and long-term contributions to the field of tryptophan-related research and who have been approved by the Council of ISTRY shall be eligible as Honorary Members.
  • I.5 Retired Members: Members of ISTRY who have retired from active research in the field may upon application to the Council be eligible for Emeritus Membership.
  • III.6 Sustaining (Industrial or Corporate) Membership: Individuals, foundations, industries, or corporations wishing to support the aims and objectives of ISTRY may be eligible for this category of membership. Named individuals in this category may enjoy all privileges of membership except they may not serve as President or Treasurer.
  • III.7 Dues: Dues may be assessed or changed upon a recommendation of the Council and with approval by majority vote of the Members. The council should consider forfeiture of membership if a member has not paid dues for one or more triennial periods.

Article IV: Meetings

  • IV.1 Meetings: There shall be a meeting of the membership of ISTRY at least every three (3) years, (Triennial Meeting) which shall include a meeting of the Council. The meeting shall be held at such time and place as shall be determined by the Council and notice of such meeting shall be mailed to each Member at least 12 months before the date of the meeting and shall state the time, place, and purpose thereof.

Article V: Council

  • V.1 Composition of Council: The Council shall consist of the elected officers (President, President-Elect, and vice-President), the immediate Past-President, and four (4) Councilors elected from the Membership. The Secretary-Treasurer is appointed by the Council. The President shall be Chairman of the Council.
  • V.2 Council Meetings and Quorum: The Council shall meet at the time of the Triennial Meeting, and consult between triennial meetings. Two thirds (2/3) of the Members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. The Council shall conduct the business of ISTRY, recommend dues to the Membership, and determine location and organization of the Triennial Meeting. The Council is authorized to accept any donations voluntarily made to further the purpose of ISTRY.
  • V.3 Term of office: Elected Councilors shall serve a term of three (3) years. Elected Officers and Councilors shall be eligible for re-election. The Council is empowered to appoint Members to fill any vacancy that may occur.
  • V.4 Elections: Councilors shall be elected by mail ballot of the Membership in the six months preceding the Triennial Meeting and they shall assume office immediately following the close of the Meeting.

Article VI: Officers

  • VI.1 Number: The Officers of ISTRY shall be the elected President, the President-elect, the Vice-President, the immediate Past-President and the Secretary-Treasurer.
  • VI.2 Election: The Officers of ISTRY shall be elected by a majority vote of the Members by a mail ballot of the Membership in the six months preceding the Triennial Meeting and they shall assume office immediately following the close of the Meeting, and shall serve terms of three (3) years, except that the Secretary-Treasurer shall serve a term of six (6) years. They shall be eligible for re-election. In the event of a tied vote, Council shall break the tie on the basis first of a more even regional representation and second on the basis of a more even disciplinary representation.
  • VI.3 Vacancies: The Council may elect an Officer, Councilor or Member to fill the unexpired term of any vacancy and the person so elected shall serve until that position is filled by a duly elected member.
  • VI.4 Report of Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer is obliged to present a statement of accounts with all relevant documents at each Triennial Meeting. The Council will give formal approval to actions of the Treasurer. The current triennial dues will be used for conducting the business of ISTRY, including expenses associated with the Triennial Meeting and for communications with the Membership.

Article VII: Committees

  • VII.1 Nomination Committee: The function of nominating committee will be served by the Council of ISTRY which shall submit to the President and Secretary no later than one year after the last meeting, a slate of candidates for positions to be filled. At least one name (and preferably two names) shall be submitted for each position, and such nominees must be paid up members, must agree to be nominated, and be willing to serve if elected.
  • VII.2 Other ISTRY members may be candidates for election if nominated in writing by two or more members and if they agree in writing to serve.
  • VII.3 Nominees shall provide to the Secretary a brief one-paragraph biographical summary to be distributed with ballots for informational purposes.
  • VII.4 Nominations will be closed exactly one year after the last Triennial Meeting in order to allow the Secretary to prepare ballots for informational purposes.
  • VII.5 Program Committee: The President, with the approval of the Council, shall appoint a Chairman of a Program Committee who shall have the responsibility for the planning and organization of the next Triennial Meeting. The Program Committee Chairman may appoint other members or non-members to serve on this Committee.
  • VII.6 the Council shall appoint an Audit Committee consisting of the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and two ordinary Members of ISTRY. This Audit Committee shall perform an audit of the financial records and shall report to the Council and the membership at each Triennial Meeting.

Article VIII: Amendment of Constitution

  • VIII.1 Amendments: This Constitution may be amended by a mail or email ballot in which two-thirds of members who respond vote in favor of the amendment.